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Caring for Your Palm Trees

Updated: May 6, 2021

You’ve decided to get a palm tree for your yard. What’s next? How will you install it? Care for it? Is it as easy as 1, 2, 3...? Or is there more to it than just picking a random spot in the yard? There’s always more than expected when taking on projects in your home or greenery space. Here are some basic tips to keep in mind when first getting your palm tree or trees:

1: Be Strategic in Location

You will need to consider if your new palm tree is one that only needs partial shade or if it needs sun full time. If your palm tree was purchased in our Green Cove Springs greenhouse or in an environment in which it received partial shade, you should put it in a shady spot in your yard. However, if it requires full sunlight, you need to make sure that you acclimatize your palm tree to gradually introduce it to the sunlight. Otherwise, your palm tree is at risk for getting sunburnt. Sounds funny, right? One way to do this- if it isn’t already in the pot, put it in the pot and put it in a shady spot in the yard. Gradually increase the amount of sunlight every week until it’s used to the sun light. After that, you can plant the palm tree in the full sunlight. Another way to do this – Just plant the palm tree in the full sunlight, but cover it with a plastic cover using 4 sticks in the ground around the palm tree to hold the plastic up. Gradually make holes in the plastic every week until the palm tree gets used to it that way.

2: DO NOT Over-Water

Water is important to all plant-life but you don’t want to over-water the palm tree. Especially at first. You will know when your palm tree is not getting enough water if you see the leaves turning brown or yellow. You will also want to make sure that the palm tree gets watered at least twice a week for the first 6 months. Add enough water, particularly around the roots, to make sure the soil does not look sandy.

3: Consider the Soil

The soil you use for your palm tree is equally as important as the amount of sunlight and water it gets. Avoid clay compacted soils. Here in North Florida, sand-based soils work the best due to air pockets. Less compacted soils will also allow the roots to expand as they need to. For the best nutrient and water concentration, it’s best to use soil amendments that retain water, such as peat moss. Having the right amount of sunlight, water, and soil are essential to the development of your palm tree.

When considering a Palm Tree for your yard, there are many other varieties to choose from. We will be regularly adding Florida grown trees to our nursery to so be sure to call us or come by and check out our wide variety of palms. To schedule an appointment to see what varieties will look best on your property, give us a call.

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